Tuesday 13 October 2009

Our group's title sequence : 'Succubus'


Sharp Edge Productions

Director : Tymofiy Magdich
Producer : Ruby Kammer
Cinematographer : Chloe Roberts & Estelle Mei
Sound : Timothy Magdich

Castlist: Josh Jackson as a victim in the shower
Chloe Roberts as a killer

Locations used : Changing room, toilet, corridors in Hurtwood House main building.

Our thriller starts with a production company name. Then we can see someone turning the shower on. This cuts to a over the shoulder hand held shot of Chloe Roberts walking in the corridor. Cut to a wide shot of Josh Jackson in the shower. Then we can see Chloe going up the stairs. Cut to Josh having a shower. Then cut to a wide shot of Chloe entering the room. We can see a jock jacket hanging on the wall which gives us an idea who the boy might be. We can then see chloe taking off some of her clothes, which leads the audience to an assumption that they are going to have sex. Then we can see her sniffing his jacket. Cut to a long wide shot of her staying near the shower and listening to him in the shower. She then produces a knife out of nowhere, opens the door, brutally stabs him multiple times, and walks away. We can see a drop of blood falling off the foot. Then we can see her washing her hands in a sink, and wiping off the steamy mirror, which reveals her red eyes. Cut to a black screen with a title of the movie.

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