Friday 9 October 2009

Account of production group meetings.

We started our production meeting with choosing a most appropriate idea for our title sequence. Some of the ideas we came up with were too hard to make, some required bigger budgets or excessive amounts of graphic effects, which were going to be too hard to produce. We have chosen Ruby Kammer's idea as our title sequence idea, but decided to change it a lot, in order to make it more interesting for the audience. We decided to keep the basic elements and the idea of reversing sex roles and stereotypes. However we decided to change the location and make it more teenager focused.


Our idea was to use the school's changing rooms and showers as our location. This meant we wouldnt need to leave the school on our shooting day, which gave us more time to focus on the actual shooting. Also it was a perfect location for teenager oriented horror/thriller movie.


We decided to emphasize the reversal of traditional male and female roles in the movies by keeping a cast as simple as possible. We were going to use Chloe Roberts as a killer and Josh Jackson as a victim. This will keep all the attention on them and also traditionally the best horror films are scary because they show the tension between killers and victims, focusing only on them.


As it it a title sequence we thought about different ways of incorporating titles into our sequence. We first thought about having them appear in the corner of the screen. We changed our idea later and decided to use the environment in the sequence, to make it look more interesting and professional.

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