Thursday, 12 November 2009

Wide shots: Very wide shot and Extreme wide shot.

Very wide shots

'The very wide shot is much closer to the subject than an extreme wide shot, but still much further away than a wide shot. The subject is usually visible but the emphasis is very much on placing it in its environment.'

This particular shot does not have a person in it, however it is a good example of the amount of details that usually get in very wide shots. Very wide shots can also be used as establishing shots, however they are usually much closer than extreme wide shots.

Extreme wide shots

Extreme wide shots like that are usually used as establishing shots. They set up a scene's setting, and show the location where it happenns. Sometimes they can also show famous landmarks to refer to a particular city, or panoramic views to refer to a particular part of the world. They can also be used to create a certain atmosphere. Establishing shots often dont focus our attention on a particular subject, but show us the environment it is in.

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